What Would Father Say

What Would Father Say

A fast-paced, no-holds-barred look at all the different aspects of our Catholic Faith. Starring Father John Guzaldo, Pastor of St. Luke Catholic Church in Temple, we'll discuss anything and everything that relates to our Faith here in Central Texas and around the World. What to know more about a particular catechetical point? What does the latest news mean to us here in Central Texas? How should we react to the latest Papal document or decree? Tune in each Friday and Sunday afternoon at 1230 and find out! 

Show Intro & Father's Calling

1st Commandment - Part 2

3rd Commandment - Pt 1

4th Commandment - Pt 1

Gospel Reflection Jan 17th

2nd Commandment - Pt 1

3rd Commandment - Pt 2

4th Commandment - Pt 2

1st Commandment - Part 1

2nd Commandment - Pt 2

How should we approach Lent