Underwriting Opportunities
Underwriting helps you reach potential customers, NOW, over 1.2 million potential souls with the addition of 1330AM and 93.9FM!
This is an effective way to have your business recognized and evangelize by helping keep your Catholic radio stations on the air!
There are FCC specific guidelines to follow. See the link below to find out more!
Underwriting Explanation & Guidelines
Contact Anne Marie for Underwriting Rates
Anne Marie McNew
(630) 747-3750
[email protected]
Armor of God Catholic Radio has a broad reach stretching fully across Central Texas; west from Lometa/Lampasas & Liberty Hill, east to Temple, Cameron, Franklin, Rockdale, north from Gatesville and Waco, south to Georgtown, Round Rock, Austin – covering all points in between. Our listeners are loyal people who care about the Catholic Church, the traditional family, the state of our culture, and more. Our listeners want to grow in their relationship with Christ and they wish to support businesses and organizations that share these same core beliefs and values.