Are you Pro-Life and want to get more involved? Start by joing the Pro-Life coordinators of the Killeen-Temple Deanery for their monthly meeting. Meetings last one hour and provide a information on all the upcoming events and a action taking place in the area. Locations vary, check the monthly calendar for future dates. For more information, contact Anne at 630-747-3750.
This months meeting is a one hour overview of APOLOGETICS FOR LIFE.
Apologetics for Life is not a just a Catholic battle, it is a LIFE battle in which all who believe in the dignity and sanctity for life should engage. Our Deanery welcomes Heather Gardner from Central Texas Coalition for Life. Heather will share the best practices and best tools during an abbreviated 1 hour session on how to speak with those who are pro-choice. Please share this invitation with your friends and co-workers and other Pro Life warriors outside of our parish. All are welcome, even those of other denominations.